Starting in Early Years, children are taught phonics; the journey of learning to read, write and spell. The process of learning to read and write begins at an early age. This can be done in a range of ways and settings, including at home. Exposing children to conversation and books is essential.
Listening and talking to your child is essential. Speaking and listening are the building blocks for reading and writing; the more language your child is exposed to, the more they will understand and use for themselves.
Our reading vision:
At Buttsbury we believe that embedding a life-long love of reading is central to learning. Books and reading are central to our curriculum. Reading improves language, vocabulary and gives everyone the opportunity to foster new interests. Our aim is for the children who attend our school to use books to inspire their imaginations and spark their curiosity. We believe that books open up a world full of wonder and joy which should be accessible to our children both at school and at home. Every child at Buttsbury is given the tools to develop into an enthusiastic, confident reader.
All staff aim to be reading role models in the way that they discuss and promote books, as well as modelling reading for pleasure. Texts used in the teaching of English and in story time are carefully selected to challenge the children and to expose them to a variety of high-quality, challenging texts. All children are given independent access to a wide variety of high-quality texts in dedicated class book corners and are able to choose a book of their choice from our Library Bus. Reading books are banded by their level of difficulty and appropriately matched to the children’s phonic ability. Each child also has access to a book which promotes a love of reading.
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